Best practices for better constructions

A team of passionate professionals dedicated to contributing to the sound, quality and sustainable development of the construction industry by raising the awareness of those involved in its efficient management.

Exchange of experience and cooperation between the parties involved in construction process

The construction process always starts with an idea, and it is the cooperation between the parties involved in the process that is the key to achieving a quality idea!

We invite the construction industry to a dialogue - to share experiences and improve knowledge about the construction process, its stages, regulation, best practices, sustainability and other important factors shaping the industry.


Engineering consultancy, legal services and advice to companies on the construction process. Knowledge based on experience and education to help you deliver projects on time and best quality.

Industry research and publications

No data - no knowledge! Only through in-depth research can sound conclusions be drawn and the most appropriate development strategy be created.

Innovation and modern solutions

Developing digital products that facilitate data-driven, automated decision-making in the construction process, making it more efficient and convenient.

Professional development course and webinars

Cutting-edge solutions at every stage of the construction process to promote stakeholder understanding, effective collaboration and quality.

Extensive experience in the construction industry

Combining years of expert experience, education and a genuine interest in what’s happening in the industry, including smart development, we offer a wide range of services for both effective construction management and collaboration with public sector organisations representing the sector.

  • Engineering consultancy services
  • Advice on the application of FIDIC standard contracts
  • Project management and audit
  • Drafting of regulations and guidelines for industry development
  • Consultancy and preparation of procurement documentation
  • Dispute avoidance/resolution (DAAB)
Trusted by
  • Latvijas Valsts radio un televīzijas centrs
  • Rīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldība
  • Valsts nekustamie īpašumi
  • RIX Riga Airport
  • Vivi
  • Liepājas novada pašvaldība

Our aim is to equip the sector with the knowledge and skills to promote sustainability, safety and innovation. Only through effective cooperation between all players in the construction industry can it develop in a smart and meaningful way.

Jānis Uzulēns

Founder of Constructive, lawyer with more than 14 years of experience in construction

Our story

CONSTRUCTIVE is an association founded by Jurisconsultus with the aim of promoting the quality and sustainable development of the construction industry through training, seminars and industry research on the effective management of the construction process and standard contracts.

We believe that effective cooperation between construction stakeholders, access to world-class best practices and other useful information, combined with local experience, is a way to not only prevent or mitigate existing problems, but also to contribute to the development of the industry as a whole.

By promoting the exchange of experience and knowledge, we can help build a more efficient and sustainable construction sector that not only delivers quality new projects, but also takes good care of existing structures.

Zanda Zariņa

Co-founder of Constructive

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We, Feb 19 at 10:00 AM (GMT+2)