Effective management of construction process
A professional development course for companies on best practices at each stage of the construction process to promote a common understanding among all participants and increase teamwork efficiency.
The main problems in the construction industry often include missing deadlines, price changes, communication, conflicts between the client and the contractor, and the quality of the final product – the building!
We believe that an efficiently and thoughtfully managed construction process, facilitated by an understanding of the stages of the process and their specificities, solves most of these problems, and therefore not only saves time, money and resources, but also results in high quality and sustainable buildings.
The professional development course on the construction process will provide your team with both a general overview of the industry and the construction process, as well as practical tips and tools that, when applied in practice, can significantly improve the current experience.
Benefits on taking the course
- Understanding of the stages of the construction process, its regulatory standards and specificities
- Understanding the role and benefits of the Institution of Consulting Engineers in the construction process
- Ability to assess in practice the applicability of FIDIC contracts to projects and to select the most appropriate form of contract
- Insight into recognised risk assessment and management practices in Latvia and worldwide, ability to apply risk models to different construction projects
- A general understanding of the effective management of the construction process and the methods by which this can be achieved

Meet your instructor
Jānis Uzulēns
Mg.iur.MBA, lawyer, founder of Constructive
- Lawyer with 14 years of experience in construction matters
- Author of publications on the construction process
- Member of the board of the Latvian Engineering Consultants Association – LIKA (official FIDIC representative in Latvia) from 2018 to 2022.
- PhD candidate at RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management. Dissertation topic “Problems and solutions of construction process in Latvia”
Learning experience on the platform
Content designed to make it easy to put theory into practice
Gain knowledge
Information, statistics, experience, research, these are all fundamental elements for a broad and objective understanding of the effective management of the construction process, the problems inherent in the sector and possible solutions.
Share your experience
Knowledge is built through interaction with others, which is the basis of our experience. Our experts provide valuable content on industry processes, but by sharing experiences, opinions and discussions with qualified construction experts from around the world, you not only gain a broader understanding, but also valuable contacts to develop your business.
Apply the knowledge gained
It is not enough to identify the problems or to propose theoretical solutions. To be valuable, the knowledge and experience gained must be put to good use in designing quality projects, making efficient use of available resources and contributing to positive change in the industry.

Effective management of construction process
A course tailored to your business